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AD&D: Nintjarna
Nintjarna Wizard (Transmuter) Half Elf,f cg
Name Class Race, Sex Aligment
Appearance: She wears a wide pink blouse under a wide ordinary (looking) cloak (displacement). Her hands are covert with thin green silken gloves. She is 67" tall and weighs 120#. Her hair is long, blond and curled, her eyes green. Her eyebrows are a little bit elfish, and her high pronounced cheekbones hint on her elfish mother.  
Above her shoulder floats a small orb with many crystal spikes like a star (mage star) and around her head orbits a deep red spherical shaped stone (ioun stone).

Ability Scores Behavior:  Nintjarna want´s to get knowlegde. She is a very scientific mage. She wants to understand each magic, each part of the weave she uses. In this way she hopes to get perfect in manipulating (alterating) objects and the weave itself. She will read every book she finds (especially about magic, magical items, but even history can be of value to understand how things work) and she tries to understand each magic item she finds. Perhaps her elven blood gives her that fascination with magic, but her human blood gives her the mental discipline and couriosity to work scientificly.  
She is not a person who can do that only by studying in libraries. She is to restless and full of energy to sit down and stay for years. Additionally she thinks, that she has to go out into the realms to find new magic, new informations, new things.  
She tries to solve each problem with her magic first and is proud on her possibilities of protection (mage star, ring, brooch) because she can´t protect herself by abjuration spells.

Weapon Proficiencies Non-Weapon Proficiencies THACO AC
Ancient history: 
    Netheril,  Heartlands 
Languages, ancient 
Reading/ writing 
Languages, modern: 

Equipment (non magical) Magic Items
Worn:  Belt (with portable hole sewn inside), soft leather boots, 2 daggers (in boots), silver dagger (in right sleeves), leather cord with half of a "baliho" wheel around her neck (s. history), bracelet (200gp), 3 rings (silver-20gp; steel-10gp, gold with gem-600gp), 
In portable hole: 
Wineskin (3 l), iron rations (14 days), 3 Daggers, 5 torches, extra-clothing (fine, expensive dancing costume), silk rope (100 ft), ink for spellbooks (20 pages), solid iron chest with spellbooks in it (secured with 3 locks (good quality), magic mouth and spelltouch-spell), parfume, soap (rose-smelling), small silken sack with jewlery: diadem (platin+blue gems -5000gp), 2 rings, bracelett, necklace, brooch (platin +blue gems -total 3000gp), 2 gems (á 50), 29 gems á 100gp, opal (1000gp), Sack (common cloth) with 42pp, 250gp , waxed overcoat (from Zhent soldier and canvas 
Belt pouch: 
133 pp, 30 gp, 1 gem (50gp), 1 gem (250gp),  2 sp with continual light cast on it 
In Suzail: laboratory, banner of the "sewer-rats", medallion from contest in suzail, a tribal mask of a jaguar, light riding horse
(items in portable hole: red marked) 
Weapons:  dagger+3, dagger+1, staff of command (#of charges unknown), staff of striking (+spec.ability of "fire resistance as ring ), 30 caltrops (in wodden chest),  
Armor: Cloak of displacement, bracers AC2 
Miscellineous:  Mage star (absorbes all spell energy cast on it or at area around up to 24 spell levels, the stored energie can be released to heal the wizard (1HP/energylevel). The magestar is not charged, after healing it can absorb new 24 levels. "Overcarged" mage stars explode!, ring of spellturning, ring of telekinesis, ring of spellstoring (in silken sack- polym. other, suggestion, fabricate, Q´s enchanted gourmet), brooch of shielding (90charges) , portable hole, ioun stone (De+1), 2 scrolls: (1. clerical: 2 CLW, detect magic, prot. from good, hold person,silence, warp wood; 2.wizard: magic mirror, detect magic, feather fall), wand of fire balls (2 charges) 
Robe of useful items,(2x dagger, 2x lanthorn, 2x large mirror, 2x staff,10´; 2x sack, 3x ladder,24´; boot, raw (12´), bag, 100 gp  

Special Abitilies:  
Racial:  60´Infravision, 30% resist. to sleep/ charm; detects secret doors (as elves) 
Magical ability: can create a small mirror, lipstick, make up, hairbrush etc. and can "command" the tools to "rearange" her 
Spells: (red= usually memorized) 
1. read magic, color spray, enlarge (rev), shocking grasp, armor, detect magic, identify, magic missile, tensers floating disk, phantasmal force, burning hands, wizard mark, cantrip, charm person; 
2.darkness, spelltouch, invisibility, know aligment, web, alter self, mirror image, magic mouth, wispering wind, aganazors scorcher, Q´s enchanted gourmet, continual light, iritation, forget; wizard lock, mirror image 
3. fireball, wraithform, fly, hold person, blacklight, suggestion, clairvoyance, slow, wind wall; 
4. polymorph self, polymorph other, O´.s resilient sphere, fire shield, illusionary wall magic mirror, wizzard eye, fire trap 

not learned (failed Int-check): evard´s black tentacles

Nintjarna was born in another world knows as "Aventurien". Her elfen mother Niniel didn´t tell her father, that she would bear a child of him (a fellow adventure) and decided to raise her alone. Unfortunately Nintjarna and Niniel were seperated by a magical accident (like wild magic) when Nintjarna was only 2 jears old. Since that time Niniel is looking for Nintjarna. She has evidences, that Nintjarna was transfered to another world, but doesn´t know which world nor does she know, that there was additional a time-altering effect. While Niniel 
is looking for a now 12 jear young halfelf child Nintjarna is actual a 45 jear old adult halfelf female, who meanwhile got a excellent education (for birthday purpose she counts as born in 1325 DR). Niniel and Nintjarna both wear the half of an aventurien huge gold piece, called baliho-wheele. Its a coin 5" in diameter with a hole in the center. Both are hoping to recognize each other by that item. While Niniel is looking desperately for Nintjarna, Nintjarna now has her own live: 
She was found by a trapper in the wilderness near Daggerford (south of Waterdeep) and was brought to an a mage in Daggerford who educates young apprentices in "the art". Soon he recognized, that Nintjarna is gifted and learned her the secrets of the weave. She chose the specialization of the alteration magic, since she was fascinated in changing things to total different ones. She always wanted to make her master proud on her, so she knew she would have to be the best her class and she was. When her basic studies were finishe she decided to go out in the world to become even better, to become as skilled professional as her master. So she went to Waterdeep.There she came together with 3 other unexperienced wizards. They planned to clean the sewersunder Waterdeep from monsters, getting money from the Sewers guild. They called the name "Sewer-Rats" and became famous (not for their heroic deeds but for their smell, their losses and misfortune: more than once they got deadly infested with desease, came to the temples more dead than alive to get their  compagnion cured or raised for the price of their spellbook ...). But finally they got an job from Maskar Wands. They found valuable relicts of Netheril near the High Moore were they got a small wizard tower to lead excavations. The "Sewer Rats" stayed there, while Nintjarna left to learn more in foreign countries. She went to the heartlands. She met another adventuring group (one of them Wymarc of Suzail) and they made many adventures (at the royal court of Suzail, the adventure of the "arure bonds", examining some murders in Melvaunt, ... . Wymarc founded a detectiv agency in Suzail and Nintjarna works sometimes together with Wymarc, if she has no other plans. 
Experience Points: 76595